Saturday, November 3, 2012

U.S. National Government aid

The editorial I found on USAToday explains the Governments role on the Sandy hurricane. The beginning of the editorial describes that the people of the United States feel the Government is obligated to send for aid or help out in any way possible during environmental disasters. I agree with this because I believe that our Government is for the people by the people. Whatever we want the Government to do, we have elected officials that must follow what we say(in order to get re-elected). I believe that we pay taxes to support programs that are used to help sick and hungry American's that have been affected by such disasters. A prime example for why we consider issues like these important is because it's something that had happened to people with out their permission. I could understand the whole bailing out GM, because of the mistakes of people being an issue. When lives are at stack and people are put into positions against their will like with Sandy. Americans feel that such environmental disasters are on par with foreign invaders threatening and killing Americans. Death is a serious issue, especially in your native country. If the Government isn't effective domestically then how can it be effective any where else? For example what happened with hurricane Katrina. People are still suffering over something Government had the power to fix. Lack of Government control over environmental relief is concerning and has been fixed to an extent that there is bipartisan. After all I believe we are all one race and that is United States Americans. (:

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