Friday, December 14, 2012

Have a wonderful life!

I agree with this post for the editorials and commentary to be reported in a way that facts are provided and the reader should be able to form their opinion. I do feel that because The president wanted a second term, the things he did were more foreign than domestic. I mean we killed Osama, got out of Iraq, Gaddafi is dead, we're going to leave Afghanistan soon. Personally I believe the president went in did what he was supposed to do. Now that peace is peeking over the horizon. Now it's time to focus on more domestic issues. I mean that's what the people voted for and want. Now it's time for that "Change" to go into effect. Of course the president isn't the law maker, but he does represent what most Americans want to be represented as. peaceful, caring, and wanting to help. Also, having a business man over someone that understands law is ridiculous to me. Congress makes all the decisions. Right now congress is put in a position that may force it to go to the Democrats. Blocking legislation for party control is ridiculous and childish. All of America's problems could be solved in a year, only if congress stopped their greedy ventures and did what they're supposed to.

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